
Friday, 16 October 2015

i-City: Trick Art Museum

Trick Art Museum is an art gallery where paintings on walls and floors are captured in 3 dimensions. This 8000 sq ft Trick Art Museum has 5 themes which are Masterpieces, Egyptian, Marine Life, Animal Kingdom and Modern Classic.

In Trick Art Museum have lots of paintings so you use your own imagination to play with these paintings to create illusion. Each painting looks different when seen from different angles. It create magic magnifies when seen from camera lenses.

Trick Art Museum in i-City is having same concept with Art in Paradise 3D Bangkok which I had been visited by last year.

If you did not have any idea about posing with paintings, near with each paintings has a posing picture for your reference.

Take picture with paintings is quite tired because need to act but it is fun when see the pictures.

In Trick Art Museum can fulfill your dream too such as be an angle, feed penguin, milking and even do some crazy action. Although it is not a true experience, the pictures come out looks like true.

Location: Trick Art Museum at the same row with Red Carpet Wax Museum
Ticket: RM 15 per person (adults)
Operating Hour:
Sunday to Thursday: 10am – 12am
Friday to Saturday (including School & Public Holidays): 10am – 1am


  1. 我也是覺得拍照很累,lol。幾年前去過了,但是沒有全部拍完,因為人太多

    1. 倩倩,



  2. Interesting 3D paintings..can't help to take photos right?

    1. Agnes,

      You mean need the help from staff to take photos? Inside of this 3D museum did not have any staffs except at the entrance there.

      In Red Carpet Meseum, the staff cannot help visitor to take photos.

  3. 喜欢天使翅膀的,有种 I believe I can fly 的感觉 =)

    1. 美云,



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