
Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Little Reading Corner

On 17th August 2015, I was so lucky to win 3 books from Little Reading Corner. The purpose of joining this contest was to see whether I can win some children books to be put in my bookshelf so that when my cousin or nephew come to my house, I can share the story with them.

Little Reading Corner is a Facebook page which created by three mothers (nicknames- owl, bunny, and fox) who advocate reading to little ones and everyone else too. They are selling properly handpicked, read by kids’ books.

Beside the book prizes, I had got a crochet flower clip which is so beautiful.

Bunny Loves to Write by Peter Bently

Buster Bunny loves to read. And when he given a notebook and pencil, he discovers that he loves to write too! Children are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in this exciting picture book with a story and doodles by Buster himself- Amazon

This Bunny book sure will catch the attention of the kids because it is so cute. Buster Bunny with his friends had written the story together with their imagination.

Bats at the Ballgame by Brian Lies

Hurry up! Come one’s come all! We’re off to watch the bats play ball! You’ll never forget your first game: the green so green, the presence of heroes past, and togetherness with family and friends, rooting for the home team- Amazon

Who say human like to play ballgame? In this story, you can see that bats also like to play game. Reading children’s story will make my thinking out of frame.

Teeny, Weeny, Tiny, Tall Tales by Margi Lim

A delightful cast of character is brought to life in this enchanting collection of rhymes. Each story is charmingly told and wonderfully illustrated enabling children of all ages to follow and enjoy the stories that unfold- Google Book

For me, children books are usually short and many pictures so I don’t think that they will have short stories. In this book, I was so surprised that it has 6 short stories for kids.

Recently Little Reading Corner had done some sales in Facebook page. For the mum who wishes to buy some books for little ones can take a look for the sales.

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