
Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Comedy Series: Mind Your Language

Silver, a mom blogger had shared in her blog about her son like to copy a Singh in a comedy series of “Mind Your Language”.  After saw her sharing, I had searched this comedy series in YouTube and watch it. This series is funny. Silver mom had told me that “Mind Your Language” was watched by aunt or uncle who aged 40 years old above. For my age I think the comedy and English Educational series will be “Oh My English!

Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series which premiered on ITV in late-1977. Produced by London Weekend Television and directed by Stuart Allen, the show is set in an adult education college in London and focuses on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr. Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreign students – Wikipedia

At first when watched it, I quite blur because did not familiar with the students. The students in this television series come from Italy, China, Japan, India, France and many more.

Sometimes students will use their own language which made me quite confuse plus the subtitles did not has a translation of the other language. I also learned something in this series too such as “Por Favor” (Spanish) means  “Please” which always said by Juan, a Spanish Guy.

In Session 1 Episode 4, when heard their convocation, I start blur because they said “Plates of Meat” means “Feet”. After explaining by Mr. Brown (English Teacher), I knew it actually is Cockney Rhyming Slang. For me, Rhyming Slang quite hard to understand.

Cockney Rhyming Slang is a form of English slang which originated in the East End of London. Rhyming slang works by replacing the words to be obscured with the first word of a phrase that rhymes with that word. For instance “face” would be replaced by “boat” because face rhymes with “boat race”.

I shared with you the 4 episodes of “Mind Your Language”. Hope you will enjoy it!

*All images are from Google Search*


  1. I like to watch Mind Your Language too..I will still be enjoying the series if I watch them again..funny and educational.

    1. Agnes,

      The way of the students talk are very funny :D

  2. I watched this comedy when I was a little kid since my mom is their fans. Although I couldn't understand most of the time, but their body gestures quite funny.

    1. Kakalina,

      Now when you watch this series, you will know why your mom is their fans and maybe you will be their fans too :)


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