
Thursday, 13 August 2015

Weird Postcards

Talking about weird, different people has different point of views. Some people will think that this postcard looks weird while some people may think that it is nice or normal. From my collections, I just share some weird postcards which I think of.

For me, this postcard has a little bit wired because the body of a boy is tree while my little sister feel scary when see this postcard. This postcard comes from drawing of Mark Ryden who is an American painter. To see other paintings by this painter, you can click here to see more.

This is goat year postcard but the way of the illustrator to draw up the pictures, I can feel has a little abnormal compare with the postcard which I received.  He had using stamping skills for this postcard, the work is not easy. To know more about this postcard, you can read the article of “[屁终则泰] 套色版画贺年卡


  1. Nice postcards. Signup my postcrossing account now ;-)

    1. kakalina wak,

      Hope you have fun in Postcrossing :D


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