
Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Books: My Road Planner

Recently the founder of My Road Planner, Chok Yen Hau had released two new books which are <在地小旅行> and <自游马来西亚>.

*My Road Planner is Malaysia in-depth travel sharing platform.

Before this, I was lucky that had won an English version of <发现大马> or < Discover Malaysia >. I did not start read yet but when I flip the book, I found out that the book had introduced many places which I did not hear about it. Therefore when I knew that Mr. Chok had released new books, I had bought these two new books together with two books which had been published before.

All these books had introduced in-depth travel in Malaysia so you will find many places which you did not hear about it. The objective of the books is “Discover Malaysia with new eyes”. I did not start read yet, but you can click the name of the book to see the few pages of the book.

During purchases of the new books, I had received freebies such as Kiehl’s sample, postcards, vouchers and photography pictures with photo fame. All the books were wrapped together with blue ribbons.

Facebook: My Road Planner
Website: My Road Planner

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