
Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Book Haul June 2015

From April 2015 (the month start with GST), Cite Book Garden had brought good news which made easier to enjoy free postage (not include international shipping).

New Free Postage Guideline

West Malaysia: Purchase more than RM 39 (Previous: RM 80)
East Malaysia: Purchase more than RM 79 (Pervious: RM 150)

Now, I am easier to achieve the target (purchase more than RM 79) to enjoy free shipping compare with before which I need to bookmark and gathers all the books that I like so that I can enjoy free postage when buy all of them.

The book purchased by me as below:-


A girl kisses 100 people in Paris. The title of this book is so attractive me because I would like to know the story behind these kisses. The book has lots of pictures of kisses, they are so beautiful.  


CoachSurfing is a hospitality exchange and social networking website which provides a platform for members to “surf” on couches by staying as a guest at a host’s home, host travelers or join an event. This book is about the stories of 400 travelers stayed in couchsurfers’ (host) house.

Talking about travel around the world, it is not necessary that you must go out and explore by yourself.  Sometime you also can invite other travelers to your house through coachsurfing to know more about the world.

1 comment:

  1. I love picking up books!! Looks like a fun haul! <3 -


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