
Monday, 15 June 2015

Switch 100 Postcards

In last year, I had joined for “Switch 100 Postcards Project” which organized by Wang Tzu Hsing

The details of this project as below:

How long you didn’t write? How long you didn’t make a greeting card for your friends? We have 2 hands and a brain but we are too smart. Now everyone getting lazy because technology moving too fast.

Now you have a chance with to do something Cool!

It’s time to join my Switch Postcard event. I’ll send you my postcard at first. Then you finished this artwork. After send back to me. Then I will make my own artwork of the card for you!

How is that? Let’s do it!

Q: How to Play?

A: You’ll receive my half down postcards. You send back to me when you finished your artwork. I will send you my DIY card for you when I received your postcard.

October 2014

I had received an envelope with two postcards after I had submitted my information.

One of these postcards has the address printed so I need to complete the artwork and send back while the other postcard can send to friend.

The shark postcard needs to send back so I need to draw something on it in order to complete an artwork for a postcard.

October was Halloween festival so I draw a witch, graveyard, pumpkin and bats. Below is my drawing process of artwork postcard.  

Until now, I did not receive any postcard from this project so I think that my postcard might be lost (◕︵◕)

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