
Monday, 1 June 2015

Postcards from Nv Fei Xia

Every time send postcard to Taiwan friends, I hope that I can send special postcard to them beside Malaysia view postcard.  Recently I had bought some Rice Dumpling postcard from Nv Fei Xia which very suitable send before Rice Dumpling Festival.

The Rice Dumpling postcard has 2 set (Set A & B). Each set cost RM 10.00 with 4 pieces of different design of postcards. To see the clear view of each postcard, you can refer to my post titled “Wordless Wednesday: Rice Dumplings Postcards”.

Nv Fei Xia had written a post about these postcards which you can click here to read more. For those who interested to buy postcard can private message to Nv Fei Xia at her Facebook Page named “女飞侠

23rd May 2015

I had received my Rice Dumplings postcards from Nv Fei Xia.  I like all of the postcards because all looks so beautiful and delicious. Haha.. All postcards are well packed in a plastic sheet. How I wish that I can draw as well as Nv Fei Xia.


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