
Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Labuan Clock Tower

Every time I go to Sea Sport Complex, I will take a look at the clock tower as I like the structure of the tower. Before this, I thought that this clock tower is for me to know the time but recently I had discover the other secret of this clock tower that I did not notice it before. 

When I took some pictures of Clock Tower, suddenly, I had heard some music was playing. After the music, it was followed by 12 times of “Dong” sound (an old style alarm clock ringing). 

Then, I realized that the time showed 12 o’clock so the secret that I knew recently was this Clock Tower will sounds the hours audibly. Next time, if you would like to visit for this Clock Tower, try to adjust your time so that you can hear the sound from Clock Tower.

Now, is the history time…
This Clock Tower is an exact replica of the original clock tower built in 1906 by Straits Settlement’s businessman Chee Swee Cheng from Malacca. This clock tower was so amazing as it was one of the 4 standing structures that survived World War II. 

The British administration demolished the clock tower in 1948 but failed to rebuild. In 2002, Labuan Corporation reconstructed this historical clock tower using funds provided by the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia. *so glad to know that with the help of Labuan Corporation & Ministry of Tourism Malaysia that make the Clock Tower alive*

Labuan International Sea Sport Complex
Jalan Tanjung Purun


  1. You should take a video to record the exact sound from the clock so like even we haven't been there but we had heard it before ya...


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