
Monday, 22 June 2015

2015-05 Favorite Postcards Received

A postcard which should be sending to Hong Kong from Taiwan had sent to Malaysia, so surprise right? When received this postcard and look at the address, this postcard not for me. The other thing that shock me was the date of the sender write for this postcard was my birthday. What a coincidence?

This postcard is so special because at the back of the postcard has red lipstick mark. Next time I also can try for it. Haha..

This postcard drawn by 4 years old kids named Bao Bao. Her mother told me that Bao Bao very like my panda postcard therefore she hand drawing a postcard to me.

This hand drawing Germany map postcard is so beautiful.  The drawings for each building are so nice. 

Do you see spindrift (spray blown from the crests of waves by the wind) on this postcard?  It is simple but beautiful. 

I always want to try to create some picture or art by using washi tape. For me, it looks difficult especially cutting part because I scares that I cut the card than the tape. This postcard was looked good with washi tape.

“Twinkle, twinkle little star; How I wonder what you are…” Seeing this postcard remind me of this song. Will I get lucky after receive this Lucky Star postcard? Haha,…

Received this postcard gave me have some idea on how to draw an elephant because it looks simple and cute.

My last visit to Penang was on the year of 2004, it was quite a long time. Haha..  My friend suggested me that next time goes Penang can take Hop-on-Hop-off Bus. It covers 2 circle routes which are City Route and Beach Route.

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