
Monday, 30 March 2015

Postcard DIY: Blowing bubbles

When is your last times to blow bubbles? This series of postcard, I was using circle stickers as bubbles. 

First, I draw a girl was playing bubbles. 

After that, I color my drawing.

After coloring, I used different color and pattern of circle stickers to stick on postcard as bubbles.

The effect come out was so beautiful with different color of bubbles.

On this postcard, I used smile stickers as bubbles. The postcard looks like the girl was quite shock after saw her bubbles which blew by she has smiley face. Hehe..

Do you know angel also like to play bubbles? She wants to touch it. You can use sticker as bubble to create many pictures of it.


  1. Its nice and cute. :)

    Its been quite some time since I last made any custom postcards. Perhaps I should do a few new designs for this year.

    1. Rungitom,

      Thanks & look forward for your design postcard :)


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