
Friday, 6 March 2015

A Night with Millionaire $$$

26 September 2014

This post must write in my blog for my memories as this dinner was so much different with the dinner that I went before especially the performance of the night.

As my seat was no so strategic for taking photo so I just managed to take some pictures of sand performance as it display on a screen and LED dance that no so clear.

This night entertained by the song from Corey Su and the Band that came from Kuching. Papi Zak (standup comedian/ radio announcer) had talked some jokes to cheer up the night. There were so many jokes that he talked about and he ended up his jokes by telling that Chinese girls are superstitious as her Chinese girlfriend always think that he is laughing Buddha that will touching his stomach and said “Money come, money come!” Haha..

Door gift
The performance that I like the most will be sand performance as I always watch through TV but now I can watch by live. This sand performance is different from the one that I saw from TV as it shows many famous places in Labuan such as Dataran Labuan, Labuan International Sea Sport complex, mosque and many more. 

As I did not took picture for this “The Magical Quick Dress Change Show” by Mark and Pinky so I tried google about it and found out that many of their videos in Youtube and below is one of the video that taken from Youtube:-

Besides “The Magical Quick Dress Change Show”, it has “LED Dance” that also comes from VIVAS Magic Entertainment. VIVAS Magic Entertainment is offering magical entertainment for corporate and special events worldwide.

This LED Dance was so cool and this also my first time to hear and watched this performance. It really opens my eyes.

As my picture of LED Dance was no clear so I also found a video from Youtube for you to see which as below:-

As the theme of this dinner was “A Night with The Millionaire” so the prize also in million such as the prize will be 15,000 million in other currency so when currency exchange to Malaysia currency is not million. Haha.. It is a trick.  

Before the dinner start, each people at my table draw a number from the box. The grand prize was RM 5,000 which is so attractive. At the end of lucky draw, there were 2 people at my table get the prizes which were voucher and RM 100.

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