
Thursday, 15 January 2015

Multi Use 2015 Owl Calendar

This calendar is not the same as usual calendar that you see before as it is multi-purpose which as below:-

i) Calendar
ii) Bookmark
iii) Postcard
Iv) Decorative art picture (cut it out and put in a frame)

Picture credit: Sandy Lau
I like the concept of this calendar that has many functions and it also environment friendly that the unused calendar can send out as postcard to friends and family. 

This is owl illustration calendar so it will have different design of owl for the month. Example for February which is Chinese New Year so you can see Chinese New Year theme owl while July is Hari Raya Puasa so can see some Hari Raya accessories in that month.

This calendar can be use internationally as it just a normal calendar with date and it did not mark any holiday for Malaysia.

The cover of calendar can be bookmark by cut it out by column so you will have 3 bookmarks.

For postcard part, at the back side of the card has space for you to paste stamp and write some massage before send out.

If you did not wish to send out as postcard, you can cut the owl out and put it in a frame for decoration purpose. 

Back of the card has empty space for you to write as a postcard

Free Gift: Owl themed Christmas picture

When buy the calendar, it has given an owl theme Christmas picture that can put in a frame too. 

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