
Sunday, 4 January 2015

Featured in The Star 2014

The Star

In September 2013, I had participated in “What’s Your Mireica Story” Campaign that be given one box of Mireica nutria-peau to try for a month and write a review for it.

That time, my pimple keeps pop out with redness of acne so I had tried for it. After consume this drink, my acne and pimple getting control which you can see the big difference in my before and after picture.

Blog link: My Mireica Story

In April 2014, I received an email from Betsy (Assistant Manager Social Media & Marketing of Livelife Sdn Bhd) that she seeking my permission to use my before-after pictures for advertorial purposes in Star newspaper and my blog link will be posted alongside with my picture. After think twice, I allowed them to use my picture on newspaper.

14th May 2014

Betsy had sent an email to me attached scanned Mireicia article- Nutrients for Skin which featured in The Star Women's World (13th May 2014).

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