
Monday, 22 December 2014

The Postcard Happiness Project: Merry Christmas 2014

Recently, I accidentally found out The Postcard Happiness Project which is a free initiative that enables us to send postcards to others who could benefit from a little postal kindness.

As Christmas is coming soon so I planned to send postcards to all the persons in this project. I just looked for the post which is active and open to receiving postcards by copy down their address. Before copy their address, I will read about their introduction and know more about them. Many of them are having cancer, hope they will stay strong and fight with cancer.

As I did not have Christmas postcard so I choose 2 types of postcard that I have to be send out. The “I am Happy Angel” postcard was for female while postcard of Jeffersonism was for male while the dog postcard is for a boy who like dog that I knew through his introduction.

First, I will write down all the address on postcard first before start writes the postcard. After wrote all the address, I just knew that I had written an address on a blank postcard.  In “I am Happy Angel” postcard, it has 2-3 pieces of blank postcards. 

For the blank postcard, I had drawn a Santa Claus with a word of “Merry Christmas”.

I was quite lazy. Haha.. As all the content of postcard, I wrote for same massage. Anywhere, hope they will safety receive and like it.


  1. wow thats very kind of you to add a smile on their face during this festive season! =D *clap for you*

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