
Saturday, 6 December 2014

Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2 & 4 in 1 Postcard

On October 2014, I had purchased some postcards from Jeffersonsim. The postcards that I purchase are Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2 (consist of 50 pcs postcards) and 4 in 1 Postcard.  As I purchased both set of postcards so I can get a  free Jeffersonism Eko Bag.

Jeffersonism Eko Bag

This is a small recycle bag that put in postcards or small items.

4 in 1 Postcard

This was my first time to buy 4 in 1 postcard which sounds interesting for me as by combining 4 pieces of postcard, it will become a big doodle work. To look clearly each pieces of postcard, can click here to view them.

Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2

I had missed out with Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 1 (his unTITLEd artwork postcard 1-50) in year 2012 as before this I did not know about it. Now, he has prints 500 sets of Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2 (his unTITLEd artwork postcard 51-100) only so for those interested, don’t wait.

The unTITLEd Project is the 1st project under Jeffersonism who loves to combine every single piece into a big piece of picture - Jeffersonism

To look clearly each pieces of postcard in Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2 (his unTITLEd artwork postcard 51-100), can click here to view them as I had scanning all the postcards one by one.

As the Jeffersonism Postcard Collection 2’s postcard all in black and white so I just wonder that if color it, what will happened but if really want to color them, I think my eyes will be blur because many small doodles end up with a big doodle postcard.

For those who interested to know more stories about the every artwork on postcards can read at Jeffersonism’s blog as his artwork can be view in many angles. It really depends on your imagination.

Facebook: Jeffersonsim

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