
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Featured in See Hua Daily News 2014

See Hua Daily News

In May 2014, I had been asked by my reporter friend that she would like to write about postcard article especially Postcrossing as she knew that I am postcard collector so she hope that I can sharing my experiences with she. We communicated by massage as she lives in Kota Kinabalu.

As I was shy so I did not give my own picture to her although she request for a picture of me and postcard. Haha..  Lastly, she was so clever that put the illustration of me that she found out at my postcard album. This can be accepted by me as it is not so obvious. Haha..

As on newspaper just has an illustration of me and I thought that nobody will know it. Who know, one of my friends know about it and told me. Seem like the illustration really look like me. Haha..

After few days, she did inform me to buy a newspaper to see it. It is very amazing to see my postcard story on newspaper. The writing of my reporter friend is good.

For those who can read Chinese can read the story which as below:-








后记 ‘明信片小知识’ 



For those who cannot read Chinese, I will make a small explanation about Postcrossing.

Postcrossing is a project that allows anyone to receive postcard (real ones, not electronic) from random places in the world.

How does it work?
1. Request an address from the website
2. Mail the postcard to the address
3. Wait to receive a postcard
4. Register the received postcard in the system

To know more about Postcrossing, you can click here to read it.

When sending postcard, you must remember to write down the Postcard ID on the postcard so that the recipient can register your postcard when he/she receive it. When register the Postcard ID, if he/she cannot find your Postcard ID, he/she can ask for help to let the Postcrossing Team to help search the Postcard ID by write down all the information that can get from postcard.

Every Postcrosser has own received postcard picture gallery that may upload by you (after receiving the postcard) or Sender (before send out the postcard). You even can favorite other Postcrosser’s postcard picture that will automatically save in your “Favorite” as a guideline for sender before send a postcard to you.

In Postcrossing, it has statistics for your postcard received and sent. Below is my own postcard statistics:-

It looks fun right? Let Postcrossing!

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