
Monday, 10 November 2014

2014-09 Favorite Postcards Received

Same as previous month that postman miss sent someone’s postcard to my house. This time is an advertisement postcard from Mango (clothing brand). It was just telling that during 12th to 21st September was VIP week that can enjoy 20% discount.

Seeing through this postcard, I did not know what it means as I cannot read Russian language. Lubov had told me that on the postcard is written “The eggs are falling around the chicken.”

This is a sea illustration postcard. On this postcard, a fish had said German. Luckily that Chrishne had told me that the German word in English is “Which fish doesn’t live water?”

One of my postcard friends had sent me a postcard from Italy. She went to Italy as an exchange student. I was so happy that she did not forget me as nowadays, I seldom received her postcard. While travelling, we will send postcard to each other.  She was so lucky that can be exchange student and travelling to Italy because travelling to Italy quite expensive.

This is a Paper Dome postcard in Taiwan. This church building is so unique because it constructed using paper tubes as structural elements. I hope that can go there for a visit in future.

This postcard telling about enjoy the life without any costly spending which translate by me while the Chinese version is 享受生活,不需要昂贵的代价就可以。Bathing also a part of enjoying your life :D

Before this, I had saw someone shared the MAS airplane postcard so I had told myself that if has opportunity, I will try to ask for postcard during the flight with MAS. After few days, I had received a MAS airplane postcard, I feel like amazing because I did not tell the sender to send me the airplane postcard and she sent for me. This is a Boeing 777-200 postcard.

On the postcard has Mountain Rainier and Space Needle (the white building), do you know where is the place? I did not know where the place is so I had search online and found out the answer and the answer is Seattle, Washington.  The Space Needle looks so special in its design. Hope can go there to visit. 

“Where are we going, dad?” is a TV Game Show for fathers and their daughter or son. Each week, they need to complete the mission that given. For the first season, I had watched it and enjoy with this show but for the second season, I had problem in downloading so I not yet watch for the latest season yet. At the back of postcard has the theme song lyric for the show. 

This postcard had 12 years history because this postcard released on 13th April 2002. It is a Kuala Lumpur Central Station in Malaysia.

Did you see any animals on postcard? When you see carefully, you can see has a fox with few birds. The artist, Charley Harper had combined pictures into animals. 

“Gott Nytt Ar” is Swedish language and its means “Happy New Year”

Last, ending this post with a video of [LovExchanges X A postcard from Rome]

A story, a gift—Love story exchanges for love tattoo, then story become body memory. It’s a writing project travelling in Europe. It is seeking for every possibility of love. It will be strong when every story collects. It’s because of love – LovExchanges

More stories can read at Sensanostra.


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