
Friday, 10 October 2014

Inspiration Anti-stress Coloring

When you are stress, what would you do to relieve stress?

Eating? Shopping? Sleeping? Exercise? Travelling?

In this post, I will tell you another way to relieve stress which is coloring. Yup, coloring like a kids. That why you seldom see kids having stress :D When coloring, you will focus on it and keep color the pattern with the color that you likes. After finish coloring, you will feel happy and the stress will disappear too.

Recently, when I was online search for the book, I was accidentally found out an anti-stress coloring book. As it has Facebook Fanpage so I click into it to see more about it.  The name of the Fanpage is 清新舒压着色画粉丝团.

Inside of this Fanpage have 3 samples of coloring that for you to try for so I had asked my sister to join for me to color it. Then both of us choose for the coloring sheet that we want and print it out. The samples of coloring as below which you also can print it out and color it if you interested:-

After print it out, my sister and I started coloring. When coloring, it was fun as it was quite a long time that I did not coloring. It seem like I was back to kindergarten. After coloring, I had seen other fans had posted their coloring picture to the Fanpage. They were so talent that they knew how to color as they not only coloring, they also done for some drawing. Example a shoe, I may color the shoe with red color but other people will try to draw some pattern on the shoe before color it.

Below is the coloring of my sister and I, I know that in term of coloring, I still need some improvement:-

Below are the 3 types of anti-stress coloring book that can be finding:-

*Click on the name of the book will direct you to a Taiwan Book website that you can look for its content for few pages.

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