
Friday, 12 September 2014

My First Passport 2014

The Malaysian International Passport is a valid travel document issued by the Malaysian Government for the purpose of travelling abroad - Immigration Department of Malaysia

Immigration Department of Malaysia: First tried

As in July, I will go to Thailand for holiday and I did not own a passport before so I had gone to Immigration Department in Financial Park to ask the document that I need to bring if I want to do a passport. The immigration officer told me that I need to bring my own Identity Card (IC), a copy of birth certificate for my mother and I.    

Passport Fee:
RM 100 for 2 years
RM 300 for 5 years

Immigration Department of Malaysia: Second tried

After lunch, I had gone to Immigration Department with the documents that require doing a passport. I had took a number ticket and wait for my turn. As that day did not have many people so my turn to go to Passport Counter was within 5 minutes.    

At Passport Counter, I had passed my entire documents to immigration officer for his process. Then, he asked for the original copy of birth certificate for my mother and I. As I did not bring the original copy of birth certificate so I cannot do for the passport.

Immigration Department of Malaysia: Third tried

12 June 2014

At lunch time, I had gone to Immigration Department again with original copy of birth certificate. At that day, quite many people went there so I wait around 30 minutes for my turn.

At Passport Counter, I had passed all the original birth certificates with identity card to the Immigration officer. Then, he started key in all my details to system and asked for my thumb print. After that, he asked me to sit properly as he wants to take a picture of me.

For the first picture, I had smile that can be seen my teeth so the officer asked me to close my mouth and take picture again. The officer also asked me to put some of my front hair to a side as he wants to see clearly of my forehead in picture.

After took picture, the officer had print out the details with my picture to ask me double check it. After confirm with the details, I need to wait for passport payment. After wait for around 15 minutes, had a couple started to ask for the payment and the officer ask them to wait for a while.

After 30 minutes passed which it seems like my lunch time will be finish so I had went to passport counter to enquiry. The officer also asked me to wait as has another officer was checking all the details. After 5 minutes, the officer asked me for payment. As I had chosen my passport validity for 2 years so I had paid for RM 100. 

16 June 2014

As 13 June 2014 was Friday and Immigration Department closed for praying so I cannot went to there to claim for my passport. Now, passport can be done during 1 hour.

In Monday, I direct went to Passport Counter to collect my passport. When collect it, I need to present my IC to the officer and followed by thumb print confirmation. After that, she went to a locker to find my passport. Last, she had asked me to double check the details in passport so that if has any mistake still can be change. After confirm with the passport details without mistake, the officer had given me a receipt.

That all for my passport story :)

For passport that unclaimed for more than 3 month, it will be cancelled and you cannot claim any expenses from government. 

Malaysia Immigration Department
Unit E002, 1st Floor, Podium Level,
Financial Park Complex,
Jalan Merdeka,
87008 W.P.Labuan,


  1. 为了方便,我还是直接一次renew 5年的。
    要我每一年多去排队等renew passport一次真的是要了我的命 XD
    每次不是人太多,就是system down,还是一次过算了 lolz~~

    1. Boey,

      由于我不是很肯定我是否每年会出国旅行所以才选择renew 2 年的先,如直接renew 5 年,如过后没用的话会很浪费。像你差不多每年都有去旅游,非常适合renew 5 年的。


  2. thank you for sharing your experience. <3
    I one to have a passport too <3


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