
Monday, 25 August 2014

Shopping Experience with Du Pin Culture

Du Pin Culture is a book publisher that also has an online books store. The books in this online books store is quite limited as mostly sell the book which published by them.

In August 2014, I had saw Facebook of Du Pin Culture post a 30% promotion of the book that I wish to buy. After compare the price of book which includes postage in Du Pin Culture with the book in MPH online (MPH has free postage with purchase above RM 50), I found out that I will save more by purchase in Du Pin Culture.

Pic Credit: Du Pin Culture
As this promotion ended by 1 September 2014 so I quickly ordered book that I want via online. This was my first time purchase book with Du Pin Culture.  This website is a little bit different compare with other online website as it did not provide direct online payment method so after payment, I need to write an email to inform them. After few days, I had received my book through Pos Laju.

Du Pin Culture @ 读品文化
Facebook: Du PinCulture

The book that I purchased with Du Pin Culture is <<婉如一道彩虹>> that cost me RM 34.10 (Book RM 26.60 + Postage to East Malaysia RM 7.50). This is the second publish of the book as the first book had been sold out. 

This book is about volunteer story of Grace Wang in South Africa, India, Taiwan and Malaysia. She started her voluntary life when she was being asked to South Africa to do interview or report as she was a reporter. After journey of South Africa, she was planning to India’s Mother House to do some volunteer services. During her volunteer services in Taiwan, she had received a call from her sister that her father was met with accident so without thinking much, she went back and take care of her parents.

I do enjoy read for this book as I had learn more about volunteer’s life and become more appreciate about what I have. Through this book, I did see the love is so simple such as during Grace’s voluntary services in India that one of the retarded children had took her hand and put her head lower then kiss her face. That time, she was so touches. I think the child also do feel the love that given by Grace. The only things that I dislike in this book will be some of the pictures in the book are too small.  

In this book had provides the information and contact of voluntary services in some countries. Now, she had established a charity called “The Pink Shoe” that aim to help more need people. For those who interested with being a volunteer can go to Facebook of The Pink Shoe to take a look.

Below are some meaningful words that I get from this book which as below:-




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