
Sunday, 10 August 2014

3 Simple Sunglasses Buying Guides

Many people think sunglasses as fashion accessory and neglect about the real function of the sunglasses which is protect our eyes from harmful UV rays so let me share with you 3 simple tips which you can use to get the right choice of sunglasses that match with any outfit.

1st Tip: Choose sunglasses which could protect your eyes.

Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory but you should choose sunglasses that can protect your eyes from the hard burning climate that we have in Malaysia. Make sure to choose sunglasses that have at least could block 99% of UV rays from your eyes because frequent exposure of the eyes to the hot sun will put a huge eye disease risk on you.

2nd Tip: Determine the face shape you have to match

What face shape that you have? Round? Diamond? Square? Heart-shaped? Not all sunglasses could match well with your face shape as they are designed in many shapes, patterns and sizes so you should evaluate your face shape first and select sunglasses which accentuate the features of the face perfectly.

There is some of the sunglasses suggestions for your face shape which as below:-

Round- Choose sunglasses that with rectangle, square, wrap and shields styled frames

Square- Choose sunglasses that with aviators, butterflies or any frame style that favors oval or circular curves

Oval- Choose sunglasses that cover from the eyebrows to the cheekbones

Heart- Choose sunglasses that with shield, butterfly, rimless or aviator styled frames

3rd Tip: Color of the sunglasses lens

The colors of lenses will affect the way you differentiate and contrast color when you walk around town or even driving. You should select the color of sunglasses lens that will fit your skin tone nicely and compliments your best face features.

At last, do try multiple designs of sunglasses and stick with the ones that give you the confidence.

Now, I think you will start wondering whether you could get affordable sunglasses which could enhance your personality. Let me tell you that you can try to shop at Zalora as it offers wide range of design and patterns of sunglasses online from various local and international brands.  


  1. Great post! I think I might be using the wrong shape :S


    Oh! There is a Back to School giveaway over at my blog ^^

    1. Ileana,

      I also do learn a lot when wrote for this post :)


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