
Friday, 18 July 2014

2014-05 Favorite Postcards Received

This year FIFA World Cup held in Brazil and so timely that I had received postcard sent from Brazil for few hours. Why I only own for few hours as that postcard had been miss sent to my house.

When I read the massage of postcard, I feel weird as it has stated “I have promised you from Rio” but I did not make any promise with anyone in Brazil. After saw the name of receiver then I knew that this postcard should be sending to Susan not me. Last, I put this postcard inside an envelope and send to the receiver. Hope she will get it.

This postcard has a nice illustration and the words on postcard mean “This moment is only once in a lifetime.” Next time, I can try to use water color to create this Sakura tree on postcard.

When black out, do you play hand shadow? This postcard had showed some simple hand shadow for animals. Perhaps, next black out can try for it :P

This postcard showed a lady is painting batik. Batik is a traditional textile that originating from the island of Jawa that used in traditional clothing.

Wow, Santa Claus House is so beautiful and colorful. Do I had chance to pay a visit to there in future? Haha.. In this postcard had showed 3 views of Santa Claus House through the years of 1952, 1971 and today.

Louise lives in Alkmaar which is north of capital Amsterdam. At there has traditional cheese market that open on every Friday from 10 a.m. and from April through September that you can watch cheese being traded.

This postcard has some nice words that would like to share with you which as below:-

用双脚站稳步伐  不管从哪里出发
握紧拳头  使命比达

Use your feet to stable your pace regardless you start from where.
Hold your hand tightly and complete the mission.

Taiwan has many places for stamping and I was so lucky that received a postcard with many Taiwan stamping. 

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