
Monday, 2 June 2014

Japan No.1 Toothbrush: Systema 0.02mm Spiral

Bangun pagi, gosok gigi,
Cuci muka, pakai baju,
Makan roti, minum susu,
Pergi sekolah, senang hati.

This is Malaysia kid’s song with title of “Bangun Pagi”.  Below is the English lyric of “Wake up”:-

Wake up, brush your teeth,
Wash your face, put on clothes,
Eat bread, drink milk,
Go to school, be happy.

After wake up, the first thing that should be done is brush your teeth. I think it only applicable for kids as adults usually will check their phone first but they also will brush their teeth after done their things. To brush your teeth, toothbrush plays an important role so you must choose a toothbrush that suitable for you.

In this post, I will introduce Japan No.1 Toothbrush which is Systema 0.02mm Spiral to you.

Systema 0.02mm Spiral toothbrush has 0.02mm super slim bristles that can penetrate deeper along gum-lines and in between teeth the hardest to reach areas.

Systema 0.02mm Spiral toothbrush also make our teeth less pressure as it has medium soft bristles which made from non-animal origin. 

As you can see this toothbrush has the name of “Spiral” means that it has hexagon shaped filaments that when you brush your teeth, the filaments will twisted together to form spiral that enabling its 6 sharp sides to scrape away the plaque more effectively. Clinically proven that Systema 0.02mm Spiral toothbrush can remove 40% more plaque without brushing hard.

When I tried for Systema 0.02mm Spiral toothbrush, I found out that it has flexible handle that made me easily to brush my teeth at every angles without need to brushing hard. The bristles is soft that did not make my teeth bleeding when I brush my teeth.


  1. I really love this toothbrush - of course, I have not experienced too many brands, but the compact, soft bristles is really gentle on the gum.

    1. The Reluctant Shopper,

      This toothbrush really different compare with the toothbrush that I use now as its super slim bristles which also can scrape away plaque on tooth surface more effective.

  2. Before, I've had a problem brushing my teeth because there's blood everywhere after I brush it. I think my gums bled. Because of that, I've ordered this one at (, for P121.00 only last month. It has soft bristles that clean your teeth while not hurting your gums.

    1. Ashley Madison,

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


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