
Friday, 6 June 2014

Fashion Culture Box: Mother’s Day Special

In this mother day, I had subscribed a Fashion Culture Box for she which you can refer to this post.

Fashion Culture Box is a monthly box that full of fashion accessories and beauty products that based on the theme that you choose. The subscription fee for a box is RM 58.00 which includes shipping.

Remember to use 10% discount code: FCB-MEI-3773 when you subscribe for the box!

10th May 2014

At evening, my mother had received her box through courier services. Before this, I worried that my mum will not receive the box before Mother Day. Luckily that the Fashion Culture Teams did a great job in sent out the box on times. 

Now, let’s take a look what the items in this Fashion Culture Box.

When my mum saw it, she said it such like a dumpling and so cute. This is a small bag that can put in some coins or small item in it. 

My mum also received a handmade card which done by Fashion Culture Team. It looks nice with its design.

This is my mum favorite among all the items in this box. This bracelet looks very elegant when wear on hand.

In this box, has included Kanebo samples which are Kanebo Impress powder foundation and makeup base II. I heard lots of good review regarding Kanebo but as my mum did not like to make up so she gave them to me.

Besides Kanebo samples, it has another makeup items which is Essence Black Mania Carbon Black Volume Mascara. Again, my mum gave it to me as she did not use it.

This necklace suitable for my mum to wear it especially attends any dinner or outings. 

This scarf can be used by my mum when she attends any dinner that can protect her from cold with some fashion element.

My mum also gets a discount voucher for purchases in Dipped Row. Dipped Row is an online store that sells jewellery. The price of jewellery is not cheap but by using this discount voucher can save a lot.

Besides jewellery discount voucher, it has another two vouchers which are Cash Voucher RM 200 to be spent in Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre for aesthetic treatment or health screening. Another voucher is CRES Wellness Treatment Discount Voucher RM 100. Those voucher is so attractive but only applicable for those live in West Malaysia.  

Last is a FC Zine which is a small booklet that about makeup, fashion and interview with Lina Esa (Co-founder of Dipped Row).

In overall, I quite satisfied for the content for this box and hope that can see lots of surprise in future. There have some points that I would like to comment for this box which as below:

1. As my mum is not a mum that like to makeup so the Kanebo samples and mascara, she gives them to me. It is good if all the makeup items can be change to anti-aging skin care products as every mother will need and use it not matter she is a person like to makeup or not.

2. The vouchers expect discount voucher of Dipped Row are cannot use by my mum because we live in East Malaysia and the voucher offer is at West Malaysia especially Kuala Lumpur. If those vouchers can be change to another piece of accessory, it would be great!

3. I am very appreciate for the Fashion Culture Team that spending their time in making mother day card which looks nice with the accessories that chosen by them. My mum did enjoy in unboxing.

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