
Thursday, 17 April 2014

Triumph In the Skies II: Glaceau Vitamin Water

Sometimes, my sister easily influences by drama that she want to try for the food or drink that she seen in drama. Example when she watched the TVB drama, Triumph in the skies II; she wants to drink Glaceau Vitamin Water too as many artist in this drama drink of this drinks.

In year 2013, my sister had seen that Glaceau Vitamin Water had sold in Giant 1 Borneo so she bought an orange flavor Glaceau Vitamin Water for us to try. At that times, I did not started to watch this drama so my sister had showed me some drama scene that the artist drink of Glaceau Vitamin Water. 

This Glaceau Vitamin Water is a 500ml per bottle. On the label of this bottle, I can read that this drink did not have any artificial color or flavor. 

When I tried of this drink, I just know that this drink is some like mineral water but the different with mineral water is this is an orange color mineral water with orange flavor so it did not same as the orange juice that sell at shop. My father also said that this drink is suitable for old people as it is not too sweet. 

On March 2014, finally I had been finished watch all the episodes of Triumph in the skies II and I had taken a snap for some drama scene that you can spotted Glaceau Vitamin Water. 

In Hong Kong, you can saw that Glaceau Vitamin Water has its own vending machine with many flavors to be chosen.

The bottles of Glaceau Vitamin Water also can make a love shape. Does it look romantic?

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