
Thursday, 3 April 2014

#1 January 2014

Happy New Year to you and your family!
May this New Year ring in happiness, success and prosperity.

Received the one and the only one SMS through hand phone which sent by one of my friends that been long time did not contact especially after she changed a new job.

I had received prize from Kay as winning from her blog giveaways. When receiving the parcel, it more looks like a gift than prize as it was wrapping by gift paper. After opening the parcel, feel happy as seeing her effort in decorating the prize that was so beautiful.

My neighbor had given some pastry to my family. Compare with these 2 dishes, I likes the left side dish although I did not know what the orange ingredients is. 

I had received Christmas gift from Cute Mum which is a pair of sock. Thanks for her small gift that warm up my heart.

When at workshop, I was very surprised to hear a Nigeria guy speak Malay. The reason that he knew Malay was her wife is a Malaysian. When he was leaving, suddenly he asked me “How are you?” and I answered him “I am fine.” It was my first times to have a conversation with Nigeria people.

When receiving the parcel at Pos Laju office, I had met with my secondary classmate. Luckily that she still recognize me after we leave from school and having a small conversation with she while waiting for my parcel.

07-01-2014 *Rainbow*
My company had received a Christmas card from Netherland. Inside of Christmas card had wrote of 2 languages of message which as below:-

Wij danken u voor het vertrouwen en de aangename samenwerking.
Wij wensen u Prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar.

We thank you for the pleasant cooperation and trust.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

Having dinner with my University friends that came from Kota Kinabalu as she was perform audit in Labuan.

First time went to temple in night. As the time we went, there have some people practicing lion dance so the temple still open.

Preparation for Chinese New Year snack.

I had tried to make Crispy Baked Cod Fish Strips with my mum. My mum named it as “chicken feet”  according to its look so now my family member called this snack as “chicken feet”. Haha..

Left-Before Right-After

First time, brought hand phone reload from post office.

Buying macrons from a bakery but not so delicious as it was too sweet.

Meet with God of Fortune when shopping at Supermarket and he gave me some sweets.


  1. the macaron!!!it really cute.the color is strinking enought that make me fall in love with

    p/s: come and visit my new domain
    opps I change my domain. Have a look
    It's cheap, Its fast within 24 hours I can get my new domain. But it takes me almost 2 weeks to get an ideal name . :P

    1. Miss Ika,
      I also attracted by these macaron but so sweet.


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