
Friday, 14 March 2014

2014-02 Favorite Postcards Received

In this month, I had received 3 postcards which had been stapled together. After saw clearly, I found that only one of the postcards is for me while the rest of two are for someone in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Taiwan so I think that it would be a mistake either from sender or postman. The day after received the postcards, I sent out the 2 postcards with stamps and hope that they will safety receive it.

This is a lesson teaching postcard about QR Code. This postcard did not same with the previous postcards that received by me as usually I receive city view or illustration postcard. Through the questions and answers on this postcard, we will know more details about QR Code.

This is a city view postcard about Sydney, Australia. Through this postcard, we can see the Sydney Opera House is surrounded by the city’s magnificent harbor and a backdrop of parkland. What a beautiful view!

This is a funny postcard as the girl in postcard list down the rules of giving angpow (red packet) during Chinese New Year to her mom. In the list, she had said that all the money in angpow must be using new money (not used money), everybody will get at least 1 angpow and cannot less than one thousand. 

This is a quote postcard that sent from Singapore. Glenn told me that I need to do my best in whatever I’m doing and I can succeed. Glenn, thanks for your encouragement.

This postcard sent from Taiwan by Amdir. After looking the exchange postcard album that offered by Amdir, I choose for this postcard to be sent to me as I saw that this owl was so cute.

I like to collect postcard as through postcard I can know some beautiful place that I did not go before. This postcard shows a picture of Sugar Cane Field.  

This postcard sent from Cher who is a Taiwanese backpacker and Chinese blogger. Usually she will limit the number of peoples to join for exchange postcard activity because she needs times to write all the postcards. Luckily, during Chinese New Year, I had chance to exchange postcard with she as previously I was late and the activity had been reached with the number of people. I like her illustration very much.

This is a handmade postcard that draws by Heng from Taiwan. Her drawing was so nice with coloring. Recently, I had brought some blank postcards and hope that I can draw something that looks nice although I knew that it is impossible for me to draw as nice as this postcard

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