
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Halloween Gift 2013

In October 2013, I had won a Halloween gift from Bunny Planet as this gift sent from Taiwan so I will receive it after Halloween Day.

11th November 2013

This gift sent to me with nice packaging. Although I had been knew and saw the picture what inside of the gift, I still very happy when received it.

It sent with an envelope. The purpose I took a picture of the back of envelope as it has complete address code with all the places in Taiwan. It is very convenience for them to send a letter by referring the address code.

At the left side, both of postcards are handmade because I can feel the postcard is done by stick some pictures on it by touching while the butterfly postcard will be an outcome from butterfly stamp. Before this, when I received an empty postcard, I will send it out but now, I will put them in my postcard album and if I had receive a same postcard with write and stamp then I will send out the empty postcard.

It has a business name card for Bunny Planet and Merry Christmas card which is also handmade. Inside of a small pack has some stickers which also very cute.

Cards & stickers
There are many types of tapes that I can use on postcard for decoration. The tape that attracts my attention was a Taiwan element tape as the picture of tape has cute boy and girl take a Taiwan flag, dragon, pineapple and others. 

Decoration tapes
Last is skeleton stamp that also suitable for me as decoration on postcard especially during Halloween.  

Skeleton stamp (Front & Back)

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