
Saturday, 4 January 2014

Wrigley’s Doublemint Blackcurrant Flavor

22 November 2013

When I was back from work, I was seen a parcel of City-Link on my table with a note that wrote by my sister as below:

你的City-Link 刚才不小心掉下来,不知东西有没有坏!Sorry! Bye! ^.^

My sister had helped me to receive a parcel and the parcel had been fall down so she wrote a sorry note to me as she was in hurry to join for a Buddhist camp.  

After open the parcel, I had found out that inside was a Wrigley’s Doublemint Blackcurrant Flavor mint. Luckily it was made from steel tin so it was not broken even fall down. 

This mint was applied by me at Doublemint Malaysia as it had offer samples deliver to home. For me, I had been tried the chewing gum for Wrigley’s Doublemint and this mint seem new for me so I gave it a try.

Wrigley’s Doublemint Blackcurrant Flavor is a sugar-free mints and it has 35 mints inside of it. When eat of it, I can feel a mint with blackcurrant taste that made me feel cool and fresh in mouth. Besides blackcurrant flavor, you also can try for Peppermint and Spearmint flavor too.

Picture credit to Doublemint Malaysia


  1. Hey babe! I stumbled upon ur blog on Butterfly group on fb :-) Have followed ur blog! Mine following me too? :-)


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