
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Splash Nail Polishes & *Bisou* Bon Bon Lip Balm

I had received my prizes which include Splash nail polishes consist of color 44 (iridescent and opalescent glitter), color 2 (orange crème) and Splash glow in the dark polish in color 61 with a *bisou* bon bon lip balms in Grapefruit from Louanne.

Nailsplash is formulated to be quick drying and long lasting. I had used the glow in the dark nail polish, I only can saw my nails shine when in the very dark place. If the place has little light, it cannot see well.

It was my first time to heard *bisou* bon bon lip balms (handmade) which is a cute name for me. This lip balm is applying on lips as often as needed which suitable for me. It also suitable for nails and cuticles. The content (natural ingredients) includes shea butter, grapefruit essential oil, vitamin E, beeswax, rose hip oil and sweet almond oil.

This lip balm has scent of jelly petroleum than grapefruit scent. For me, this lip balm did not oily when apply on my lip and it did moisturize my lip. 


  1. 那个橘色很美,很适合新年~

    1. 诗,
      对呀,还有橘色加一点灰色Blink Blink的也不错。

  2. The nail polish looks cool =)

    1. Baoqiong,
      Yes, can use for Chinese New Year :)


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