
Thursday, 9 January 2014

Kids Camp: 童心放飞梦想 @ Flying Dream of Childishness

Date: 24th November 2013
Venue: Labuan Buddhist Association

In the afternoon, I had accompanied my mom and aunts to go Labuan Buddhist Association to see the closing ceremony for the kids camp. This camp opened for kids that from 9-12 years old.

Group photo
Before started, all the members that join for this camp will have a group photo session. It took quite a time to arrange the people so that everyone can be seen at the photo. When at photo session, one of the members required all members to show different styles of hand such as normal, Buddhist style, yeah style and others.

Group photo style 1
Group photo style 2
Group photo style 3
After photo session, all the kids sat on the floor according to their group and wait for events to be start while all the parents sat shape like a semi-circle to surrounding the kids.

Sit properly to enjoy the show
First, all the group members need to come in front and shout for their group name with slogan. All I can say was different group having different patterns to present and tell you about their group name with slogan. 

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
After knowing the entire group name, it has a group been asked to come in front to entertain all the kids and parents as they were the winner for caterpillar presentation. What presentation that cause they win? See the video that been record by me.

During the camp, all of the kids been taught to make a caterpillar by using straw, tissue paper and color.After that, they need to think a presentation or show that relate with caterpillar. It was my first times to see a tissue caterpillar. Does it look cute?

As usual, every event will have hosts of the day. In this ceremony, it had conducted by 2 young youths. 

Hosts of the day
After that it will follow by speech from Chairman. Chairman had asked all the kids whether they enjoy in this camp and all the kids answered “Yes” with loudly. At this camp, it has an activity that needs all the kids to put bowl on the head and walk around. This activity emphasize on concentration. If you did not concentrate, then the bowl on your head will fall down. 

Chairman also said that when he was a headmaster, he had met with a student that very concentrate with his study and that kid came up with flying color results. It shows that concentration is one of the success points.

Speech by Chairman
After speech from Chairman, It followed by an appreciation speech by a boy that represent all the kids to thank for all the people that took part in this camp such as teachers, aunts that in charge with their food and others.

Appreciation speech
After appreciation speech, all the kids came on the stage and dance. 

Let dance!

After dancing, it has a prize giving ceremony for excellent attitude and performance of girl and boy in kids camp. Both winners will take photo with Buddhist Priest and family. Those winners selected by teacher according to their observation during camping.

During the camp, all the kids had been giving a thanksgiving card that require them to color and write some words for parents. It was a girl so outstanding and deserve as a winner because she had drawn a family portraits on the back of the card (back of the card is blank) to let everyone know about her family members.

Talk about thanksgiving card
I also impress with this girl as usually when we get a card, we will color it and will not think of draw something at the back of the card. For your information, the little girl is the youngest kid in this camp.

In this camp, all the kids had been take care well by “caring teacher” or youth so it also has some prize for excellent “caring teachers”. It has 6 winners for different categories such as responsible, caring and so on.

One of the “caring teachers” was having SPM exam but she still managed to find out some time to join for this camp, give a big clap for her. Besides that, it has a “caring teacher” that has big progress as before this he is a shy boy but after join this camp for few times, he become more leadership

Excellent caring teachers
During this camp, all the group activities had been evaluated through the points so the winner will be the highest points. For the group with lowest points will also get the consolation prize. Below is the group photo for winner group. 

Winner for group
 Erm..Where all those kids go?

Where the kids go?
Oh, they sing and dance on the stage again. While sing and dance for half, suddenly all of them came down and continue their performance by standing outside of all the parents in circle shape.

Dance again
Dance on stage
Dance below stage
Dance near with parents
After finished with the performances, all the kids required sitting in front of their parents and for those parents did not come, can sit in front of teachers, Buddhist Priest and Chairman.

Go find your parents
Then, Buddhist Priest will start asked kids to use their eyes to say “I Love You” to their parents. After that, use mouth to say “I Love you” to parents and parents also need to return a word of “I Love you too” for their kids. 

Kids with Buddhist Priest
After that, Buddhist Priest will represent all the kids to talk some nice words to parents like thanks for being your son/daughter, if I had been made mistake do forgive me as I am not intentional to do it and teach me to be your child and so on.

Photo with thanksgiving card
All kids need kneel in front of parents/teachers

Buddhist Priest
Tea ceremony for thanks parents
After talking some words, it’s time to give parents a hug. I can saw that some kids still very shy to hug their parents to show their love. It followed by tea ceremony and made me cannot stop laugh after hearing conversation between my mum and aunt that my mum and aunt sat with each other while my sister and cousin kneel and look like couple that serving tea for their wedding. It’s really a joke. haha…

When all the kids have a tea in hand, it’s time to serve parents to drink the tea as appreciate for them to teach and care us.  

Mum, drink it.

Serving tea with thanksgiving heart
Dink the tea

After tea ceremony, all of us celebrated birthday of Buddhist Priest by singing many version of birthday songs. It also my first times to heard of Buddhist style birthday song. The Buddhist Priest feel so touch and happy with this birthday surprises. 

Sing a birthday song
Make a wish
Cut the cake
After Buddhist Priest cutting the birthday cake, it also indicates that this kid camp has a perfect ending. All of the kids came in front of Buddhist Priest to hug and took picture with her. 

I can saw that my shy cousin that shy to hug her mum but very brave to hug with Buddhist Priest, it can be seem that he did learn a lot with Buddhist Priest through this camp and very appreciate with her effort. Never mind, my cousin will be brave to show his love towards his mum after this camp.

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