
Friday, 13 December 2013

Green & Red Bell Peppers

As I want to do Tortillas Pizza so I accompany my mum go to market. 

At market about 10 minutes, all the ingredients I had been success to find them except red bell peppers as it did not locate together with green bell peppers so I asked my mum for help.

Me: Mum, do you see red bell peppers?

Mum: You just buy some green bell peppers and wait for them to ripe then you will get your red bell peppers.

Me: …………….

When I want to pay for my vegetables, suddenly, I had found out those red bell peppers which locate near with the owner of the stall.

I am curious that why the owner did not put the green and red bell peppers besides with each other so that I will easily find them ٩(×̯×)۶

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