
Saturday, 21 December 2013

Cefenere Acne Formulation- Impurity Milk Cleanser & Cream Contour (Sample)

Through the blog of Audrey Ooi, I had been given a sample of Cefenere of Acne Formulation for a try. When the samples arrived, inside of it has a paper frame with a nice packaging of samples with a card.

Cefenere offers wide range of excellent quality skin care products ranging from “Skin lightening products”, delightfully scented wrapped in exquisite beautiful packaging. Cefenere “Anti-acne” range is our most popular product. Product formulations are ideal and suitable for every woman as ingredients are mostly garnered from natural plants which are safe and effective. Our products help in turning your skin into a smoother, youthful and radiance skin - Cefenere

Paper frame

Impurity Milk Cleanser dissolves dirt and impurities effectively and soothes inflamed and skin irritation. It is effective in battling acne prone skin.

How to use:
1. Apply adequate amount to face and neck with massage gently and rinse off thoroughly.

Alternative: Apply and leave on for 20 minutes on serious acne skin before rinsing through.

I dislike the packaging of this cleanser as it is very difficult for me to press out the cleanser. After opened the "press head" of cleanser, based on my assumption that cleanser press out problem will be missing of straw for connect to the bottom of cleanser bottle so for cleanser in bottom will be difficult to come out so I need to shake it out every time use it. I think it will be not a problem when purchase in full size.

Updated in year 2014- Full Size
This cleanser did not foam out any foam so I usually use it in the morning with clean face because I worry that if I using it by wash some make up on face, my face still has residue after clean it. After wash my face, I had feel of cold feeling which made me look fresh. 

Cream Contour is an acne solution to treat acne and breakouts. It regulates sebum secretion and provides tremendous result in pore refining.

How to use (suitable for day and night use):
1. Apply a layer on a cleansed skin especially on acne and breakout areas.

For best result, it is recommend to use Impurity Milk Cleanser for a through cleansing before apply Cream Contour.

This cream is in yellow color with smell of Chinese herb. After apply this cream on my face for few times, I did see that my pimple had been become minimize. I think if want to make pimple to get rid, need to apply it for many times.

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