
Thursday, 19 December 2013

Bloop Nail It Strip

As the step of Christmas is getting closer so are you ready to celebrate Christmas with new look? While being preparation for Christmas, don’t forget to style your nail too. In this post, I will show how to style your nail with a fast and easy way which is using nail wrap so you can DIY it at home.

What is Nail Wrap?
Nail wrap is a method of nail decoration used as an alternative to polish. It is very safe as it did not include any chemical and alcohol content with a super thin and realistic wrap on nail. Besides that, it allows air to penetrate through nails compare with nail polish and no dying time that save more times. Last, nail wrap can lasts for 5-7 days.

In this post, I will use Bloop Nail It Strip to decorate my sister's finger nails. Each Bloop Nail It Strip pack comes with a mini nail file.

1. Make sure your finger nails a bit longer (at least 1-2mm) to apply Nail Strip.
Reason: You may find it quite hard to file off nicely if your finger nails are too short.

2. Apply base/top coat on nails.
Reason: It will stabilize the Nail Strip and make it even last longer.

3. Nail strip may too big for your nail so you need to measure and cut out that particular piece before stick on nails.
Reason: Nail Strips all come with standard size hence we need to alter it to fit on our finger nails.

How to use:
1. Choose the best strip size for each nail.
Note: It has extra 2 nails strips for backup purpose

2. Remove the transparent protective layer.

3. Align & place the nail strip on nail
Note: Make sure you stick the strip on finger nails nicely and not on fingers as you will find it easily peel off due to not stick on nails properly.

4. Rub strip over nail starting from center then follow by pressing left and right edge.
Note: If you saw some uneven area, press or rub it gently to make it even.

5. Press the excess nail strip over the edges of the nail

6. Position the nail file at vertical position and downward motion to file off the excess strip gently.
Note: Do not do up and down motion as it may spoil the strip due to nail strip designed was a little bit thinner to ensure your nails are breathable.

7. Smooth nail to remove any excess air bubbles.

Nail Strip Removal
1. Remove the top coat with a nail polish remover if you had apply top coat on nail before

2. Dip nails into warm water for 5-10 minutes. Then, gently peel off nail strips

3. Remove any excess glue with bloop nail polish remover

As my sister looks so interested with this nail strip so I had stick the nail strip on her nail. As it was my first time to use it so I had spent more times in explore and stick it. All I can say was my sister and I am enjoyable with whole of the process and very satisfied with the outcome.

As this time, this nail strip was stick on my sister’s fingers nail that made me very envy of her fingers so I plan to purchase nail strip on my future purchases especially has any special celebration or event as it is an easy DIY nail art that can do at home with affordable price compare with nail art salon.

Where to buy it?
HiShop has offers a few range of Bloop Nail It Strip for you to choose.

~ Exclusive for my reader ~

Get RM 20 rebate off when your total purchase above RM 99 by use discount code:
BLOOPNAILS (valid until 31st Jan 2014)


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