
Monday, 4 November 2013

Labuan Buddhist Association Mooncake Festival 2013

Before upload the pictures to blog, I just found out that I had been snapped for 80+ of pictures and it is impossible for me to upload all the pictures into one post so I combined some pictures into one pictures. After editing, the pictures that need to upload was about 30+, although seems many but it did become lesser compare before without editing. 

28th September 2013 (Saturday)

My family and I had joined for the Mooncake Festival that organized by Labuan Buddhist Association. The times we arrived, I had seen many cute kids were doing their rehearsal. After that, the dinner was start and everyone can enjoy a vegetarian meal. 

The stage
Hosts of the day
About 7.15 p.m., the event was started with singing “San Bao Ge” which is one of the Buddha songs and followed by speech of Chairman.  

"Be Mine" dance
After speech speaking, it has a Korea Dance by 3 pretty ladies. The title of song for this dance is “Be Mine” which you can heard for this song through the video that I had link up as below:-

Hosts of the games
Finished with dancing, the game was started. This game requires 4 parents (dad/mum) with kid. When asking parents to come up the stage for playing games, many parents was shy to come up. I had seen one of a boy asked for his mum to join for this game but his mum was refuse it because his mum was shy and did not know what the game will be playing.

Game 1
This game is the eyes of mum will be covered and their kids need to feed their mum to eat bun. The mum who faster finished with the bun will be the winner. At this game can be seen that dad is more shy than mum as all the participants were lady.

Any wrong?
After game 1, it has a song performance which sings by 2 UMS (Universities Malaysia Sabah) students. Refer to picture as above, do you see any problem? Just want to tell you that during their first singing, the music has a little problem that you can see that both of them cannot concentrate in singing.

Song singing- 但愿人长久
After settled with the problem, both of them enjoy singing the song. What I like for this times was I can saw that a group of UMS students wave their hands during the song was singing by their friends. Indirectly, it shows a support to those singing on the stage.

Wave the hand
After the song, it was followed by a thanks ceremony for the invitation from Labuan Buddhist Association. 

Game 2
The events continued by game 2, everyone can participate for this game. UMS students were participating in this game. This game is about cutting the mooncake by using the secret weapons from the black box. Many of them was shocked when get their secret weapons out of the box because the secret weapons was a paper knife.

Who is the winner ?
When the host of game said “start”, the participants did use these secret weapons to cut the mooncake. After that, the host was saying that it was a joke and the weapon that uses to cut the mooncake was actually is a string. For those who can cut the mooncake neatly with strings will be the winner. The winner was chosen by Chairman.

Children performance- 月亮圆
After game 2, it was the times for performance from children. They are singing with follow by sign language. Tell you a secret that at the back of all the audiences has 2 ladies were standing on chair to do signal language so that the children can follow it. 

signal language performance- 家是一个圆
After finished with signal language performance from children, it’s the times to see the signal language performance from a group of UMS Students. 

Game 3
The game 3 is requiring co-operation from 2 people. I explained the game by refer “Stand” for those who is standing during the game and “Sit” for those who is sitting on chair during the game. “Stand” need to clip the peanut on “Sit”’s face (at least 10 peanuts on face) while “Sit” need to peel out the pomelo. As usual, the fastest group to complete the task will be winner.

Who is the winner ?
Simple dance- 年轻不留白
After game 3, it had an easy dance guide to be showed or taught to everyone so that when the song plays, everyone can dance it. It is a relaxation period as everyone was sitting from the first activity until now that needs to do some exercise or moving. This dance requires you to find a partner to dance with. It is very recommend parents dance with kids as it is a fun activity. 

Happily dance
When the song played, I can saw that those who really enjoy with dancing is children, youth, some parents and UMS Students while others still very shy of it. The chairman also joined for the dance when the song played, it was my first times to see chairman dance and he did enjoy it. 

Chairman also dance
Game 4 - demonstration
After dancing, it continued with last game or game 4. This game requires 3 people to join for it. This game is about passing the peanuts by using chopsticks. This game really challenge as it is quite difficult to using chopstick to take peanuts as peanuts is small. The winner will be the group who passing the most peanuts.

Game 4
After game, it has a signal language performance from youth. I had recording the video for this performance which you can see as below. The video was not so clear because during the performance, the light was off.

Q & A session
During the dinner times, a member from Labuan Buddhist Association had been talking about the story of Mooncake festival from the concept of Buddha. After the signal language performance, it has a questions and answers section regarding the story. For those who can answer the question will get an angpow. 

Love song- 花好月圆
After that, it has a love song singing by 2 of UMS students. When the song getting finished, the boy had been hold the hand of the girl and the reactions from UMS students was so big that change from wave the hand to keep clapping hand. Is any good thing will happen?

UMS students performance- 奋起飞扬
In this event, the most of the performance that I can saw was signal language so for the last performance also is signal language dance from UMS students.

Play times!
After signal language dance, it is the exciting parts that being waiting by all the kids which is carrying lantern to go around. At there, I can saw many types of lanterns not matter traditional or modern. It started with light up the lanterns for those lanterns was using candle. 

Light up lantern
ops...pity lantern
It is common when see some of the lantern was on fire as kids may careless and did not how to handle it. It was a beautiful night with the beautiful lanterns.

Walk around with lantern


  1. I think it was a nice cultural event, I like these types of events are not only great to enjoy with friends but also are very good memories, I like the last photograph much of the lanterns.

    1. Sakuranko,
      I also enjoy in these type of activity :)

  2. Hehehe, did you take every single movement of their performance? Cause very detail, can see through the whole show!!! =]

    1. 小影,
      Haha, I did not take for every single movement for performance but I did stand by my camera and take a snap when I think it's time :)


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