
Thursday, 7 November 2013

Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Serum

As fine line occur when the skin loses its ability to make the moisture-magnet lipids called Ceramide. This serum helps to replenish your natural Ceramide levels and instantly re-textures your skin to have a firmer, smoother and wrinkles less look.

How to use:

1. Gently twist the capsules around twice and squeeze onto your fingertips

2. Smooth over cleansed face and neck during morning and night before your moisturizer

This serum in capsules looks small but when you squeeze it out, the amount of it is more than enough for your face and neck. When apply this serum, I can smell the scent of peanut (so curious that the ingredients in it did not have any peanut but I do smell of it). This serum gives my face to look more moisturize and smoother.

***** Happiness Quote *****

I’ve give nothing to do today but smile – Paul Simon 

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