
Sunday, 13 October 2013

Menumbok >> Labuan: Speed Boat

After arrived at Menumbok by bus express, we went to buy speed boat ticket as we wanted to go home early and did not want to wait for the big ferry which departure at 5.00 pm.

Speed Boat (Menumbok >< Labuan)
Same with the ferry express ticket that the speed boat ticket also has 50% discount for Malaysian. This is a good news but beware that sometimes the “careless” will make the good news become bad news. Continue reading this post to find out why.

Ticket counter
Do some simple calculation here:-

Actual speed boat ticket= RM 15.00
50% discount of speed boat ticket= RM 7.50

Q: How much total price for 3 persons (Malaysian) for speed boat ticket?
 A: RM 22.50 (RM 7.50 x 3)

Speed boat ticket
Refer to the above picture and click it for enlarge view. You can saw that the total price of speed boat ticket for 3 persons are RM 24.00 (actual is RM 22.50). Although it is just a variance of RM 1.50, you try to think that for every person, he SELF charges for another addition of RM 0.50, and then actually he can earn more than that if many people unaware about this. Luckily that my sister noticed this mistake calculation and asked for clarity from the staff before my dad hand in the money.

After buying the ticket, we went to terminal to wait for our speed boat arrives. You can find your speed boat by its boat’s number as stated on your speed boat ticket.  We wait for the speed boat with the number of MK5. 

At 4 p.m, after waiting for about 10 minutes, our boat arrived. It’s time to go in the boat. It did not have any number of seats inside the boat but if you come first then you sit at the back and so on. I would recommend sitting at the back of the boat because sometimes sitting in front of boat, you can feel the wave and sometimes maybe the water from sea will spout to your face.

Speed boat with number of MK 2388
Inside the speed boat also has provide safety cloths and it is depends on you to wear it or not. Travel with speed boat is not recommended to bring too much luggage as the boat did not provide a place for luggage while all the luggage put beside or in front of your seat.

Go in the boat

When the boat started departure, for about few minutes, the boat has a little problem in engine and the staff re-starts the engine. The boat has repeat for this problem for 2 times and then the boat become smooth without any problem. Around 4.25 p.m, we had been safety arrived at Labuan. 

Many speed boats


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