
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Coconut Hunt Contest: Limited Edition Ayam Brand Thermos Cup

On August 2013, I had won a thermos cup from Coconut Hunt Contest that organized by Ayam Brand – World of Recipes. In this contest, I need to complete 3 steps which as below:-

1. Go on Ayam Brand website and look for the 2 hidden coconuts. After success find out, save the URLs/Screencaps it.  

2. Name 1 creative way to use Coconut Milk

3. Email the 2 URLs/Screencaps and answer

Yeah, I can use this thermos cup to drink milo during breakfast. Perhaps, I can bring it to my office to enjoy my tea.

Ayam Brand Thermos Cup
For the coconut milk (cholesterol free food), I had gave it to my mum to cook a delicious dish for me ^.^

For more coconut milk’s recipes, you can click here to learn more.

Ayam Brand Coconut Milk


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