
Monday, 9 September 2013

1 Malaysia Letter Writing Competition 2013

During May 2013 (if I not mistaken), I had joined for 1 Malaysia Letter Writing Competition by submit my entry for open category which I need to write a letter to Malaysia Prime Minister to tell him that the reasons of Malaysian need to patriotic especially after the incident of 2013 Lahad Datu Standoff.

At this competition, I need to handwriting the letter about 500-750 of  Malay words which it is a challenging task for me as it was quite a long time that I did not write in Malay but I give it a try.

On 30 August 2013 (a day before Malaysia National Day), I had received my participation certificate. During this competition, I had gain a lot especially learn a lot about 2013 Lahad Datu Standoff as I need to find the information before start writes my letter.

1 Malaysia Letter Writing Competition Participation Certificate
For more information, log on to Pertandingan Menulis Surat 1Malaysia 2013.


  1. Hi J-Mei :) I'm joining this letter writing competition too. But until now, I'm not receive my certificate yet. Oh, and when the result will be announced? (from : Min)

    1. Min,
      I am not sure why you still did not receive your cert yet but I had been updated that some cert still in the progress.

      The result suppose announce on 9/10/13 but had been extend to the end of October due to too many entries that need to be choose.

      P/S: Do like the FB page for this competition so you will keep updated.



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