
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Tortillas Pizza

This was my first time to do tortillas pizza as I had seen the recipe for this pizza is quite easy plus I know where to buy for this tortillas wrap. A tortilla is a type of thin flat bread made from finely ground wheat flour.

Tortillas wrap
Tomato sauce
Mixed vegetable (usually use for fry rice)
Green & red bell peppers

Step by step:
1. Brush some tomato sauce on tortilla wrap.
2. Put all the ingredients (sausage, mixed vegetable and bell peppers) on tortilla wrap and top with cheese.
3. Bake it in oven for 15 minutes with 180 Celsius.

It is a very easy recipe to make a pizza and I like it. As the oven that I use is quite small that only can fit with one pizza each time so it is really take time if I want to finish up the entire tortillas wrap :(

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