
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Oslee Rosehip Whitening Mask

This mask contains Rosehip Extracts and Papain to whiten the skin and eliminates imperfections sooner than ever. It provides rich moisture to skin and give crystalline, porcelain-like complexion than ever. 

How to use:
Place the mask over your face after thorough cleansing. Remove after 15 minutes, gently pat remaining serum into skin. Apply 2 to 3 times a week for maximum result.

1. Tear and open the sachet, take out the mask.
2. Unfold the mask
3. Gently place it over your face, use your fingertips to press it lightly so that it can be closely attached on your face. Relax for 15 minutes.
4. Remove after 15 minutes, gently pat remaining serum into skin.

Before I am using this mask, I keep it into fridge for few hours so that I can feel the cool feeling when using it. When apply it on my face, I can smell a soft rose scent. After apply for this mask, my skin become supply and smooth but I did not see any whitening effect on my face for my first application.


  1. I love sheet masks! I've never put them in the fridge before but I definitely will! Thanks for the great idea, and nice review! xo

    1. Hi Sloane & Claire,
      thanks for your comment.


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