
Friday, 12 July 2013

How full is your cup? By J M Sampath

How full is your cup?
This book has a vivid illustration with colour to each page which looks very attractive. This book is a collection of 64 thoughtful short stories which will make you gain deeper reflections of life hidden between the lines of the story.

Inside view
Eat your own fruit
Some disciples once complained to their guru, “You tell us stories, but you never reveal their meaning to us.”

The guru replied, “How would you like it if someone offered you a fruit and chewed it before giving it to you?”

How do you learn to draw your own interpretations of life than live by others’ interpretations?
What holds you from thinking beyond what has been thought?

The filthy neighbor
A: You should see how dirty my neighbor is, and her house! Even her children are always dirty! It is almost a disgrace to be living in the same neighborhood. Take a look at the clothes she has hung outside on the line!

B: I think the clothes are quite clean…the streaks are on your windows!

How often do you clean your glasses before you see others?
How objective are the glasses you wear?

Every morning when the Prophet passed by an old woman’s house, she would empty a basket of rubbish on his head from this upper storey of her house. He never once remonstrated with her about this. One day, when the Prophet passed by the house, no rubbish fell on his head.

Thinking the old woman must be ailing, he went upstairs to inquire and found her ill in bed. When she discovered that the Prophet had come to meet her, she began to weep, “I ill-treated you all these years and now you come to inquire after my health!”

Ultimately she became one of his true followers.

what is the extent of your tolerance?
Will it be possible for you to care for those who hurt you?
What are the preconditions you place on your relationships?


  1. This sounds like a very interesting book. I think I'd like to read it. :)

    1. Gabriela,
      You will get a lot inspirations after read this book.


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