
Thursday, 6 June 2013

Timeless Truth Q-10 Intense Elasticity Mask

At Plus Size Kitten Easter Giveaway, I had won a Timeless Truth Q-10 Intense Elasticity Mask. This mask is the most luxurious and skin-transforming anti-aging treatment mask as Q-10 Intense Elasticity Mask is designed to enhance your skin’s natural beauty to preserve its texture and restore its radiant glow meanwhile provide the essences for elasticity. 

Here has a guideline to show how to use it.

This mask comes with 2 pieces which are the plastic sheet (Left side of picture as above) and mask (Right side of picture as above). This is an easy guideline for you to differentiate what side of mask should facing on your face. After adjust with your mask, remember to remove the plastic sheet.

Eye is the part that we usually neglect to care about it but this mask was very nice as it comes out with eye mask too. I like this mask as it fit well to my face. After apply with the mask, I feel that my skin become very moisturize. 

Feel interested with this mask?
Find more at

Good news for those who want to purchase Timeless Truth’s mask as you can get 20% discount on your next online purchase by use the complimentary coupon ID as below:-


  1. I always enjoy using sheet masks. I've only tried ones from MBD though. What is your favorite brand? ^^

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Gabriela,
      I love mask too. This TT mask also one of my favorite brand but the price quite expensive.

      I also love MBD :)


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