
Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Secret of A Young Millionaire by Ray Ling

The Secret of A Young Millionaire
This book is about how to build a successful multi-million dollar business from nothing even during economic downturn. Besides that, Ray Ling (founder and CEO of IBIO Corporation) will reveal how he became so successful in his life that earned million dollar income per annum by the age of 26.

When first saw this book, I was attracted with the handsome look of Ray Ling (haha….I just judged the book by cover although did not know who is he), the word of “Best-seller” and wanted to know the secret of young millionaire.

Content of The Secret of A Young Millionaire
When reading this book, I found out many meaningful words or quotes that I would like to share with all of you.

No matter how strong your strengths are, you won’t be successful if you can’t eliminate your weaknesses.

The choice you make today will determine your future. Think not once, but three times before you make your decision!

The people who succeed at the end are not the most clever or smart, but are those who preserve and never give up!

Money doesn’t make you more money, but great ideas will.

Listen to the flow of the river and you shall catch the fish- Irish Idiom

As entrepreneur, you need to realize that the people who give feedback are those who really care and sincerely wish to see you succeed in your business.

Before you start your day every morning, you have 2 choices: to be happy, or not to be.

Our mind controls the things around us. When you think positively, good things will come to you automatically- Law of Attraction.

Never “try the best” but “to do the best”!

No matter how big the challenges along the way, you have to be persistent, never give up, believe that the rain will stop, the sun shall rise and a better tomorrow shall be approaching!

Life is a mirror, people treat you like how you treat them; the reflection in the mirror will never lie!  


  1. ohh I love the quote about doing your best!! Thanks for these quotes!!

    1. Hi Mindy, I also love all the quotes because so meaningful. Happy that you like it too.

  2. Great book thd summary quote is every useful indeed.


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