
Saturday, 16 March 2013

Responsible Blogging 2013

When study in primary, teacher always tell us to become a person with ethics. Based on Wikipedia, ethics is a moral philosophy which involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. This philosophy same apply to blogging too.

Responsible Blogging 2013 is a campaign calling upon the entire online community in Malaysia to rally for and support an ethical climate in the blogosphere for mutual benefit.

To stand up for responsible blogging, the goal is 1,000,000 engagements, 2,000 bloggers & 9 brands.

Now, let look about 9 pillars of Responsible Blogging as below:

*click image for enlarge view*

For your information, the big partners of Responsible Blogging 2013 includes Crowdpot Sdn Bhd is the official system sponsor for Responsible Blogging campaign while Ninetology Marketing Sdn Bhd is the presenter for Responsible Blogging campaign sponsoring huge prizes and providing support at many levels for this campaign.

For bloggers,

Let’s shape a sustainable future together by joining with me in Responsible Blogging.

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