
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Chinese History Museum in Kuching

The Chinese History Museum showcases the origin of Sarawak’s Chinese immigrants who are now part and parcel of Malaysia’s multi-racial society. In museum, we can learn and discover about each dialect group’s traditional trades and skills.

Free entrance to museum

Chinese history museum

Visiting hours

Sign board
In museum, I only allowed to shot some pictures which told by the staff.

Traditional musical

Ethic of chinese

In museum, the things that I found interesting was can heard the Chinese dialect languages. It has a button for you to press and hear the different types of Chinese dialect languages. 

When pressing the button (as above), you will hear the conversation of 2 peoples in their dialect such as Hakka, Foo Chow, Hokkien and others. It also has the short script on what they talks in Chinese and English words.

Family names

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