
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

40 Questions: You Should Ask Your Lawyer before Buying a Residential Property in Malaysia by Khairul Anuar

This book attempts to answer questions with an easy presentation according to the current laws in the housing industry.

40 Questions: You Should Ask Your Lawyer before Buying a Residential Property in Malaysia

Q: Who pays the lawyers in a property transaction?

A: Whoever hires the lawyer has to pay.

Q: In those cases where the developer pays the lawyer, are my rights protected?

A: If a lawyer is paid by the developer, the lawyer is acting for the developer only. A lawyer cannot represent 2 parties in one transaction.

Q: What is the difference between quit rent and assessment rate?

A: Quit rent is the annual fee that you have to pay the land office in which your land is situated. This fee uses by government to maintain the infrastructure within your housing area such as maintenance of drains, landscapes, lightings, certain road and the collection of rubbish.

Assessment rate is the annual fee that you have to pay to the country in which your house or building, in certain cases, is situated.

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